"But He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" 2 Corinthians 12:9

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A complaint free world?

I haven't posted in awhile because, well, my life has been pretty uneventful since my last post. I'm looking forward to a much needed mini-holiday with my family in Edmonton this weekend. I don't think the whole family has spent more than a couple hours together in months and miraculously we all have the weekend off. So I'm looking forward to some bonding time whether that be during the 12 hours of driving we'll be doing or through the much anticiapted Ikea stop!!

I was watching Oprah this afternoon (yeah that's right), and acutally I was kind of inspired. She had invited a pastor to talk about his challenge , a complaint- free world. He started this challange in his church and gave them bracelets to remind them. He challenged them to wear the bracelete for 21 days, if you catch yourself complaining you switch the bracelet to the other arm and start over. The goal is to keep the bracelet on the same wrist for 21 days. I don't agree with everything that the church is promoting, however the concept is great. We can't change the world as some are saying with this campaign however God can! I catch myself complaing a lot.... it's either the weather that's too cold, the week that is too long, the weekend that is too short, that everything is too expensive, or that life is just too hard! Yet what if I disciplined myself to Praise God and thank Him for what He has given me instead of begging Him to give me what He hasn't. What would change in my relationship with Him if my focus was Praise? Would people notice? Think of the example that would be of pointing people to Christ! How exciting! I want to give this a try so call me on this if you catch me complaining. I ordered some of the free bracelets they are giving out! I ordered 10, does anyone else want one?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That show was the buzz at the Nursing Home today, they ordered braclets for all of the staff..wish I could have watch it.

9:04 PM

Blogger Yvonne said...

Wow - what a cool concept. Kudos to you for trying it out Kim. It's amazing the silly things we can find to complain about during the day, huh? Living complaint free for 21 days could totally change your whole outlook on life and your relationship with God. Have a good day and keep us posted on how this experiment is going for you.

2:27 PM

Blogger Steph said...

Hey Kimmy I wished I could have watched that show too, and I definately want one of those braclets you ordered! It's weird because sometimes we think that we have to change someone else to change the world, but instead if we change ourselves and our own attitudes we can turn others to Christ!!!

3:17 PM

Blogger Professor Howdy said...


Dear Friend,

After much thought, I have decided
to leave 'Thought & Humor'.

The reasons are many but they all boil
down to this: Nobody writes me anymore
so it must mean that you don't like me
or my UNC jokes, riddles, cartoons
or funny pictures:O(

I was hoping people would contact me
by posting a kind message in the
"comments" on this blog but no one has.


P.S. All of you liberals can now be happy
because I am giving up. You have finally
won after 10 years of publishing...

P.P.S. The sad song playing on my blog
really fits my mood! You know I think
that I might have possibly visited your
site awhile back. Do you remember
or am I wrong?

9:11 PM

Blogger 1 said...

I'm trying to do the complaining challenge too! i'm finding very difficult. in fact, on Friday, i chucked my bracelet accross the living room. woops.

7:00 PM


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