"But He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" 2 Corinthians 12:9

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Romania again?

Romania has been on my mind a lot these days, my heart keeps tugging in that direction. Decisions aren't an easy thing for me, sometimes I think too logically and ignore my heart. Yet other times I feel that I act too quickly without thinking through the consequences. There are a number of things that seem to be holding me back on my decision and I don't know if they are valid concerns or if I should just trust that this is really where God wants me. I got an exciting package in the mail yesterday, it was a dvd that one of the girls on my team made of our trip. As I watched that, my heart ached to be back there loving those girls! This morning in church someone came and told me that she was going to start raising money through her piano students for me to go back to Romania! That is so huge and it amazes me how supportive the community around me is! I am getting pretty excited about it and I would appreciate your prayers as I wrestle with this decision. The sermon this morning also got me thinking, the focus was about being light and salt to those around us. The question came to mind, am I too concerned about where God wants me and neglecting to be a light where I am right now? Am I living that light in everything I do? Definatly not to the extent that God intended for us. It's one thing to be on a missions trip, where you are delibaratly trying to show Gods love, most often to people that you will never see again. Yet it seems more difficult to reach the people that we work with or come in contact with on a continual basis. I think for me it is probably the fear of rejection or fear of coming across with a "holier than thou" attitude. I often blame it on the excuse that there is lack of opportunity, however I think that it's me that lacks to take action on the opportunities. Hopefully this is something that I will be more deliberate in, I wanna let my light shine! Whether that be here or in Romania, or anywhere else around the world, how exciting that God uses us to be His light for His glory!


Blogger FirstNationSensation said...

Kim we should go for coffee... tonight alright!

4:03 PM


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