"But He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" 2 Corinthians 12:9

Monday, March 12, 2007

It's official!

Yes.... that's right. It's official... I'M GOING BACK TO ROMANIA! The long awaited package was sitting in my mailbox as I opened it with glee this afternoon. I was so excited I screamed a little and did a little dance in the living room! I leave on June 28 and the summer ministry lasts 5 weeks. I haven't decided yet if I want to stay longer or not, that will probably depend on my job. The joy in my heart right now is insurmountable and my desire to hug those kids and tell them again how much God loves them is growing so strong! I never in a million years thought this is where I would be at this point in my life. It amazes me how God uses us in ways we never thought we could. When I think about it too much I get a little nervous .... okay a lot nervous. However my excitement is much stronger, that God is letting me be a witness to His incredible work in the lives of those children! How did I get to be so blessed?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are excited for you! You are blessed because he loves you soooo much and you have chosen to follow him.

8:45 PM

Blogger Yvonne said...

Congratulations Kim!
I am so excited and feel a little bit like screaming for you! God is going to do many more amazing things on this trip. I'll pray the nervousness is minimal and that things go well with getting time off work. Love you!

11:59 PM

Blogger Chrys said...

That's awesome Kim! Wow, that'll be another amazing experience for you. Maybe you can make your stop in Vancouver a little longer this time.... :)

12:19 PM

Blogger amy said...

thats awesome kim! i'm proud of you and ... i'm speechles! you belong there.

9:21 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

This is super exciting Kim!!! Praying for you.

1:22 PM

Blogger Roxy said...

That's exciting!!!!!!!
but what am I gonna do without you for those 5 weeks?
Ba well- I'm prud of ya Kimmo!

10:07 PM

Blogger FirstNationSensation said...

that last comment is really me Jolene but the blogger thing is being DUMB!! so if it says roxy agian, it's really me Jolene

10:10 PM

Blogger Steph said...

Hey Kimmy it's super sweet that you are going back to Romania!!!! I know that you will have a superly fantabulous time telling(and showing)these kids how much Jesus loves them. Love you tons and tons!!

6:22 PM


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