"But He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" 2 Corinthians 12:9

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Sorry, It's been awhile since I've posted anything because I've kept putting it off but here it is. A few weekends ago my friends and I took a roadtrip to Edmonton. We had been planning something like this for quite some time and we were very excited! We had a great time hangin' out and shopping together. It was so good to be able to celebrate friendship and enjoy life together! Good times! It was a good reminder of how much I value friendship and how important these relationships are in my life. I thank God that He gave me the friends that I have because they have helped me grow, kept me sane, and always encouraged me. Here are a few pics from the weekend,

We stopped in Manville on the way back, I mean
4 girls on a road trip, who could resisit?

Yes, that's right... we took my mini-van! We had

to have room for our stop at Ikea!!

We dressed up nice one evening and ate a upscale

restaraunt. It was lots of fun!
Here we are at West Ed, ready to shop!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

For those of you who don't know, I am currently living in the city and working at a medical clinic. This in itself is a huge God thing. My plan was to attend Saskatoon Business College this fall to obtain my Medical Office Assitant certificate but at the end of the summer, I felt that it wasn't really where God wanted me. I have always told myself that I would never take a year off school to work, however it's funny how God has His way and changes our heart in the process. So here I am in the city and really enjoying it, of course it has it's challenges however I am learning so much and I know that this is all part of the growing up process. These past couple of weeks God is teaching me a lot about contentment and finding joy in Him rather than trying to find it in what is going on around me. I often feel like I should be doing more, being more, and living more, and the "if only's" start to run through my head. I often feel like I should be out there trying to save the world but really here I am working in the city. Should I be doing something more so that I will feel more fulfilled? Yet I was reading through Psalms the other day and chapter 34 verses 8-10 really encouraged me, "Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him. Fear the Lord, you His saints, for those who fear Him lack nothing. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing." It was like God was saying to me, Kim, you may not have everything you want, or you may not be doing everything you want, yet if you are truly loving and seeking my heart you won't be missing any good thing. I'm starting to notice God not only in the big things that He has done in my life, but also in the simple ways that he shows His love and where I can also be a reflection of that. Whether that be through a shoulder to cry on when I'm feeling lonely, through patience when things are just not going right, or whether that be through the random encouraging conversations in the sauna with friends (which by the way, wasn't even on for the forty-five minutes we were in there talking...no wonder we weren't sweating yet). Yes, God is good and His love endures forever.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

My Summer

I thought I'd start off by sharing a little bit about my summer since it was probably the most life changing experience of my life. Last fall I felt God calling me to do missions somewhere, particularly orphanage work. With much prayer and consideration, I decided to go to Romania with an organization called Heart 2 Heart International Ministries. For those of you that know me, you'll know that this is something way out of my comfort zone and I spent many hours worrying. It is still amazing to me how God provided the means for me to be able to go despite my doubts and concerns, it was definatly affirmation that this was where I was supposed to be. This trip was the hardest thing I ever had to do, yet it was the most rewarding, and I would never trade the experience in a million years. In Romania, I worked at an all-girls orphanage with a team made up of 8 young women from accross the United States and Romania. I fell in love with the kids and my heart broke every day as I witnessed what they had to live through on a daily basis. I couldn't imagine not having someone there to take care of you and love you. It broke me how these kids responded to love, some of them soaked it up but other pushed away because they did not know how to react to love. God taught me so much about building confidence in Him, about his unfailing mercy and I learned more of who I am in Christ. Anyways, I could go on for hours but here are a few pictures to give you a bit of an idea,

This is one of the girls I got really close to, her name is Mirella.