"But He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" 2 Corinthians 12:9

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Every day I am amazed by how much God loves me and how that love is evident all around me when I take the time to notice it. Although this week seems extremely long, I must say that it has been a good one. I have been doing a lot of thinking, which has kept me awake until the wee hours of the night and all sorts of emotions seem to be flowing out whether I like it or not. I've done a lot of thinking about the future and what that holds for me and where my desires fit into that. God has also shown me things in my life that I have been holding onto, things that are not healthy for my relationship with Him and with others. So, I've been trying to put that in God's hands this week rather than trying to carry the load on my own. It's hard because my pride gets in the way but once I see how much it is actually hurting me and I start letting go, it is the most freeing thing in the world. God is always telling me that He knows what I need more than I do, but that always seems to be a struggle for me. I am so thankful that He never gives up on me and never fails to show that He loves me. These last couple of days it feels like every time I sit down to spend time with my Lord, I am brought to tears by how Perfectly Amazing He is. How the Creator of the Universe loves me, how He delights in me, and sings songs over me. I sit there and feel like praising him not only for what He has done but simply for who He is. The song "Amazed" by Jared Anderson has meant a lot to me this week, here are the lyrics;
"You dance over me while I am unaware,
You sing all around but I never here a sound.
Lord I'm amazed by You!
Lord I'm amazed by You!
Lord I'm amazed by You,
how you love me"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you so much and pray for you many times a day, so exciting to see God working in you even when it is painful. What a beautiful gift you are to me!

8:57 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Your words bring tears to my eyes. Praising God with you for His unending faithfulness. Love you Kim. Thanks for sharing.

12:11 AM


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